A. Art & MusicWagner, Art, and Life (1970 paper, University of Iowa)A Unifying Concept for the "Subjective" and "Objective" Approaches to Understanding
the Musical Experience (1970 paper, University of Iowa)Notes on the Baroque Suite (1974 paper, unpublished) A Critical Examination of the Notions of Art as "Imitation of Nature" and "Re-Creation
of Reality" (1974 paper, unpublished)Advice to Would-be Professional Trombonists (presented to International Trombone Workshop, 1979; scroll down from
“What They Didn’t Teach Me in Music School”)Why Union Scale is Killing Our Work—a 1984 Open Letter to Nashville Recording
MusiciansOn Musical Texture (comments on Gary White's Instrumental Arranging)On "Perfect Pitch" (reader commentary added)What's Wrong with Bebop Jazz? (reader commentary added)The Essence of Art (Objectivity, vol. 2, no. 5, December 1997, special material in the notes added April 2000)Thoughts on Musical Characterization and Plot: the Symbolic and Emotional
Power of Dramatic Music (ART Ideas, 1998) Kamhi and Torres on Meaning in Ayn Rand's Esthetics (Reason Papers #23, 1998)Music and Perceptual Cognition (Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, Fall 1999, special material
in the notes added April 2000)“…to give us Ayn Rand faithfully…”:
a Critical Note on the Boeckmann Transcript (originally published March 28, 2000, The Daily Objectivist)Rockin’ with Rand: Sailing the Turbulent Seas
of the Objectivist Aesthetics (Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, Fall 2000)
Critical Misinterpretations and Missed Opportunities:
Errors and Omissions by Kamhi and Torres (Journal
of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, Spring 2001)A Neglected Source for Rand’s
Aesthetics (Journal
of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, Fall 2002)Art as Microcosm: the Real Meaning of the Objectivist
Concept of Art (Journal
of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, Spring 2004)Langer and Camus: Unexpected Post-Kantian Affinities
with Rand’s Aesthetics (Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, Fall 2005)More Standards to Which We Can Repair (2006)Brief Comments on (Some of) My Favorite 20th Century Composers (2000)Henry Pleasants on the Parallels Between Classical and Jazz Music (1974)
B. Politics, Religion, Ethics, PsychologyResolving the Government/Anarchism Issue—Reason magazine, November 1973.More on the Government Controversy—unpublished letter to editor
of Reason and my unpublished response.Crime and Punishment 1974—A Historical Snapshot of Libertarian-Objectivist
Theorizing Block on Abortion (1978)Why the State Cannot Legitimately Establish What Constitutes a Church
(1979) Separation of Church and State—a Logical Impossibility? Whose Case for Liberty is Correct—and So What? The Moral Majority vs. God: How to Reconcile Libertarianism with
the Judeo-Christian TraditionFreedom, Education, and the "New Right" (What Is the
"New Right"?) A Calm Look at Abortion Arguments—Reason magazine, September 1981, republished in Free Minds and
Free Markets.The Case Against Egoistic, Libertarian Baby-Starving Writing about the News for Schoolchildren (age-appropriate writing about individual rights for 12th and 6th graders)A Higher Power for Atheists and Agnostics Religion, Philosophy, and Addiction Thoughts on Ethics and Spirituality Tweaking the Transpersonalists: Science vs. the New Mysticism Is it Ever "Finished"? --
Life as a Non-Messianic Process Nuking the Family Be Your Own Hero The Direction, not the Destination The Aesthetics of Ethics Epistemology and the Ethics of Aesthetics [For essays on personality type and temperament theory, see my companion
website, Achilles Tendencies.]